Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

Smooth transaction from start to finish! All questions were answered. Highly recommend.

Anastasia S.

Ladera Ranch, CA

Laurent w/ RPM is one of the most genuine humans i've ever worked w/. Laurent was great from the beginning of the loan process to the end. I was able to sign on a beautiful home at an incredible rate. Laurent was transparent & honest through the whole process, He is very respectful & very knowledgable. He knows the market very well. Working w/ Laurent at RPM was refreshing & felt like a true friend was helping a friend rather than another sleazy salesman. Couldn't be more excited & thankful to Laurent & RPM for their reliability & hard work to make this happen. Thanks again Laurent!

Josh E.

Irvine, CA

Laurent is a very personable guy. He helped me not only find a home but did the financial end as well. One -stop shopping. He knew what I could afford which helped take the guess work out of finding my forever home.

Stacy K.

Mission Viejo, CA

Laurent has helped me refinance my home loan more than once. Each time, he has provided me clear answers to me questions as we progress through the refinance process. I've really appreciated the time and attention he has provided me and would recommend RPM Bancorp, Inc. to anyone.

Jeff H.

Aliso Viejo, CA



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